Himeno is one of the most compelling characters in the manga. She's calm and stoic and has no shame in discussing business. See 106,089 visitors' top results A SelectSmart.com Anime Selector by uauaua, created June 2021. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. What is your usual routine when you are given a home assignment by your teacher in your school? With so much gore and surrealism, Chainsaw Man is a must-read for any manga fan. Once you choose to trust someone, which can take quite a while, you are a loyal friend capable of putting others first. On the surface, she's kind and gentle and is not afraid to show her feelings, but she hides the most important aspects of herself below the surface and has a hard time showing those (or just isn't willing to). Aki's stoic and opinionated exterior carries a thin layer of occasional coarseness. Denji's motivations to live as well as work as a Public Safety Devil Hunter match vastly with that of any Taurean just typically floating through their daily lives. However, as the fans get deep into it, Chainsaw Man equips numerous other complex characters who they can find analogous to their own personalities, and their zodiac sign can play a massive part in the comparison. Denji, Makima, Aki Hayakawa, Power, Himenowhich Chainsaw Man character would you be? And lets not forget her appetite Power is an insatiable glutton. She was very experienced. He is brave and loyal, willing to do whatever it takes to protect those he cares about. Chainsaw Man Quiz Which Chainsaw Man Character are you? Take this personality quiz and find out which Chainsaw Man character you are most like. Pochita has all the adorable and precious Cancerian qualities. Chainsaw Man is one of the best Shonen series that is currently running with its popularity in steep raise. Reze has an intriguing and complex mixture of many traits that are generally associated with Geminis. This quiz is designed more difficult than the first part and few questions are just puzzles. There are six types of Nen abilities in Hunter X Hunter world and each type has its own set of unique features. Quanxi He had piercings on both ears. We've waited a long time for the unique characters of Tatsuki Fujimoto's manga Chainsaw Man to finally come to life with an anime series. 6 was released on August 3rd, 2021. Chainsaw Man has a plethora of great characters, and some of these characters perfectly mirror traits associated with the 12 zodiac signs. She was 20 years old. He is now Chainsaw Man! Pochita became the heart of Denji in order to revive and save him. Chainsaw Man unfolds in a universe where devils, fiends, and hunters walk among us. It is a Japanese Manga that tells the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who wants to become the Pirate King. On the other hand, she had really high combat strength, and was commented by Himeno as timid, but surprisingly talented. She had an older brother and eight sisters. RELATED: Best Fantasy Manga That Do Not Have An Anime. //www.arealme.com/which-chainsaw-man-character-are-you/show/8.png. She has her own standard of justice. Quiz: How well do you know Ragnarok The Animation? Did you choose your career path or were you forced into a line of work by your family, just like Kobeni? 11201 Ed Brown Rd, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28273. You are super cool and awesome. Still, Himeno cares a lot about her comrades, and shes willing to go the extra mile for Aki, her trainee. It will determine if youreally are a real attack on titan weeb, fan and got what it takes. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. You enjoy someone who follows orders and gaining their utmost respect and trust. Enjoy!About us. Kishibe is first portrayed as a stoic character. You can continue on developing in the area and do well. Which Chainsaw Man Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign? 5. The only thing missing right now seems to be a true lifelong goal. Power is incredibly secure and confident, a habitual liar, but in a cute way, like most people with a heavy Scorpio influence in their birth charts are, and she lives for gaining a victory. We start off our list of best Chainsaw Man characters with Kishibe. Based on astrological signs, who do you have the most in common with? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Which fnf character are you (if u lucky you might get one from a mod ;]) Take later. However, monsters called "Devils" were dwelling in the world. RELATED: Who's Your Anime Husbando, Based On Your MBTI Type? Chainsaw Man is a Japanese dark fantasy manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. She's a master manipulator, but still, her seemingly noble motivations make her somewhat likable. We bet you'll have lots of fun! Are you often very lazy and procrastinating, 11. Quanxi is a world-renowned Private Devil Hunter from China. The personality of yours and Denjis are similar in that you are passionate about being free, do not like rules and retrains, you are intelligent, and always know what to do to solve difficult situations. Quiz: What Will I Look Like When I'm Older? Kobeni From a huggable dog with a chainsaw coming out of its forehead to a horned, unhinged, compulsive liar that hates vegetables but loves human meat. Like a true Virgo, Himeno is efficient, incredibly innovative, hard-working to the point of perfection, and pays attention to the minutest of things. Filled with surrealism, gore, and a lot of devils, Chainsaw Man is a new fan favorite. There are private devil hunters and governmental devil hunters, from the Public Safety Division. However, apart from having all the good Aries markers, Hirofumi also possesses some relatively flawed traits of the fire sign. Makima is first presented as a force for good, Summer 2021: Best Anime Of The Season, Ranked, DC: 13 Characters Stronger Than Lucifer In The Comics, Marvel: 5 Spider-Man Comic Storylines The MCU Will Never Adapt, The 20 Strongest Multiverse Versions Of Spider-Man, Ranked. Good Luck! At the same time, you have your own standards and rules and you are not easily influenced by others. So,time to start this thing.First question:were you first introduced to Chainsaw Man through the anime or the manga? We can find the Nen type of Read More, Being part of everyones childhood, Naruto has special place in many peoples heart. Take this personality quiz now to discover which Chainsaw Man character youre most like! Based on your answers, youll be given a character profile of which Chainsaw Man character reflects your personality most. Please help us by creating or editing any of our articles! Which Chainsaw Man character are you? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Denji was seduced and murdered. His self-sacrificial behavior can get him into bad situations, but when he's in control of his emotions, this side of him helps him become a better person. Himeno is a professional Devil Hunter, able to stay cool in the most intense situations. Kobeni Higashiyama, a colleague of Denji. But one thing that sets them apart from every other sign is their intense passion and loyalty, which seems very much present in Beam, along with every other great Capricorn trait. Makima was a senior of Denji in the Public Safety Devil Hunters. You might've wondered which chainsaw man character you are. - VI. Denji was adopted by Makima, became a member of the Public Safety Devil Hunter. So what are you waiting for? Manga Characters Administrators Recent Changes New Pages Help Wiki. One Piece Hunter Hunter My Hero Academia Black Clover Jujutsu Kaisen Mission: Yozakura Family Undead Unluck Mashle: Magic and Muscles Me & Roboco Burn the Witch Sakamoto Days The Elusive Samurai Witch Watch Blue Box PPPPPP Akane-banashi RuriDragon Tokyo Demon Bride Story Ginka & Glna The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins Cipher Academy Ichigoki's Under Control!! Find All The Anime Pages Here. You have a hint of Aki Hayakawa in you in that you always show your side of great stamina and tenacity. Take This Personality Quiz to Find Out, which Haikyuu!! Do you feel like you have a connection with the characters from Chainsaw Man? He's definitely the most fleshed-out Devil character in the manga. Quiz: Which Salarymans Club Character Are You? Let us put that knowledge to test in this quiz. How do you like to spend the weekend usually? RELATED: 10 Scariest Shonen Anime, Ranked. Get ready for this fun shounen adventure! The story was set in a setting similar to modern society. However, Chainsaw Man fans love her despite all of that. Article Writers With Opinions About Anime. Your personality has some similarities to Himenos in that you show great patience and will-power when you find something you are interested about. Your prediction will not influence your results. Though she's an antagonist in the Katana Man arc, her motivations can be understood by readers, making her likable in most scenarios. We are here to give your curiosity a rest! Even more valuable is that you know when to do what, and know what suits you best. The anime series shines brightly in every. Characters Denji Makima Aki Hayakawa Power Introduction When his father died, Denji was stuck with a huge debt and no way to pay it back. You are self motivated, which made you look positive. You are always up to something evil! Did you have an extremely strict upbringing and still have sequels, 6. Animemangatalks.com Copyright 2022. 2.5K Takers. NEXT: Which Naruto Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac? She is also prone to inevitable addictions to assist her with the daily pressures of life, which is the true flip side of being an uptight Virgo. Which Anime Character Are You Most Like? With her bombastic personality and iconic design, complete with small horns and fangs, Denji's partner Power quickly became the manga's most beloved character. This is very true to the Taurus sign. This translates well to Gemini, as he can read and even utilize people's energy for good or for evil, whichever he fancies at the moment. No matter how stressful the situation is, youre always calm and collected, acting as the tower of strength for your friends and teammates. Akatsuki are the main antagonist group in the series but the characters are actually very well loved by the fandom. If you can change into the shapes of other animals, which of the following would you rather be? Maybe. It does not matter, I do not care how others think, I would feel bad, I hope I can fit in better. Which Bungou Stray Dogs character are you? Have you seen it? This quiz is designed fairly easy for the fans but some questions might be intriguing. He's a Devil with an angelic appearance, and he's able to embrace this very well in the series. And it's high time to find out which character you are with our quiz! That being said, she loves a good fight and showing off her strength. If you liked this quiz, check out some of our other anime quizzes, like which Haikyuu!! The Japanese Read More, One Piece is one of the greatest manga written by Eiichiro Oda. Pisceans hate confrontation and fighting in general. Home Quiz Which Chainsaw Man Character Are You? Produced by studio MAPPA, the anime is already a massive hit, with fans eagerly awaiting each new episode. But even so, it's impossible not to love her. If you may choose one of the following as your online username, which one would you choose? Among the following what way of death are you most afraid of? When the mob betrays Denji and he's killed by a Devil, Pochita sacrifices himself to revive his former master. With the recent success of the anime, Chainsaw Man has gained a huge following from fans all over the world. People called him crazy. Hirofumi Yoshida's typical disposition perfectly matches that of an Aries. We have humans who have contract with devils, actual devils, Read More, Chainsaw man is one of the hottest manga currently in Shonen Jump. Chainsaw Man has undoubtedly been one of the most hotly anticipated anime of 2022 and it's been delivering the super toast ever since its premiere. You might have even bragged about those few words to your friends. This might sound harsh when associating her with Virgo, but it makes sense when taking into consideration that she's a great survivor. Hard Anime Quiz Guess the Anime from Japanese Name. RELATED: Best Anime With Female Protagonists. Get ready for this fun . Which delicious food would you love to have? //www.arealme.com/which-chainsaw-man-character-are-you/show/4.png, The person with a contract with the Ghost Devil. It was released in Weekly Shnen Jump magazine in 2019. When he's left alone, or when he becomes emotional, he's very soft, gets attached easily, and can't handle seeing anyone get hurt. He is patient, chilled-out, and particularly persistent despite having an almost childish disposition, which works wonders for his overall likability. Violence Fiend. Occasionally your demeanour is serious, but you usually cherish your childish and selfish side. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. https://www. But have you ever wondered whether youd be the one to rush headlong toward a battle with a devil or take a slower, more calculated approach? He is also extremely playful and snarky, throwing insults at his opponents mid-combat, which always makes everything more enjoyable. Have you seen it? Kishibe If you see this, your JavaScript might be disabled or DiscordIntegrator plugin isn't working. He trains Denji and Power and was associated with Quanxi in his youth. Devils are the embodiment of humanity's fear of certain things. However, it is crucial to remember that she can handle inconveniences better than most when she truly wants to, like any true Piscean. 67+ Images of Which Jujutsu Kaisen Character Are You Quotev This test is very serious. However, there is also a b-side to Himeno's knacks, which aligns well with the earth sign. But like a Sagittarius, he can get very carried away by his more emotional side. She is also emotionally intelligent and exceptionally caring, especially when it comes to her underlings. Chainsaw Man has a wide range of characters, each with totally different beliefs, personalities, and views. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. The boy loves fighting and diving in to devour deadly devils with all he's got. Apart from that, he values relationships more than anything, which is one of the best characteristics that stay within the sign of Taurus. Beam is devoted to Denji and can go to unbelievable lengths to protect him. He later proves everyone wrong and reveals himself as a highly emotional and sentimental person. Start Quiz . 22 Feb 2023 19:41:51 Fabricant 100, All Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Horror Mecha Mystery Romance Sci-fi SliceofLife Sports Supernatural Memes Funimation. Cosmo She appears at the latter end of Chainsaw Man, but Quanxi asserts herself as a force to be reckoned with regardless. Pochita is a truly fascinating character. Quiz. She prefers a quiet and serene life and has little to no time for emotions. List of all female characters in Chainsaw Man . However, while she displays it rarely, she does care about the people who are close to her in her own way. > What Chainsaw Man character are you? He also had a contract with the Fox Devil that he can summon the Devil with a Fox hand motion. 9. Chainsaw Man Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Like a Scorpio, she's strong and serious. Chainsaw Man series takes place in a world that is filled with devils. Angel Devil When an amateur Devil Hunter, Denji, fuses with his beloved pet/devil/devil hunting weapon, Pochita, he becomes a killing machine like no other. If youdon't get 100%, don't worry..you're only a failure. It is filled with an awesome set of characters and this quiz will find which character you most relate to. Do you love anime? She had four Devils around her. The rules of the quiz are pretty simple. She was mysterious, and called her subordinates as dogs. chainsaw man. He packs a punch when it comes to the plethora of talents he carries, but his laziness drags him down from exhibiting his best, just like every person who retains a heavy Sagittarian influence on their birth charts. She had an arrow underneath her eye patch, and it turned into the Devil when the eye patch was removed. Quiz: Which Estab Life: Great Escape Character Are You? 6. We are here to give your curiosity a rest! In this alternative reality, you as a human, are at the bottom of the survival chain. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. He was in charge of training Denji and Power before the Katana Man arc. RELATED: Which Demon Slayer Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Take This Personality Quiz to Find Out. 3500 Laird Rd, Mississauga, ON L5L 5Y4 Canada. Looking for some film quizzes? You try your best in being neutral when looking at things, whether it is your own matters or of others. It is filled with an awesome set of characters and this quiz will find which character you most relate to. Pochita most definitely resembles a Cancerian with a hard shell on the outside and a soft core on the inside. He just wants the comfort of a home and a regular and relaxed life, which aren't that uncommon, but are enough for him. Quanxi. We've waited a long time for the unique characters of Tatsuki Fujimoto's manga. It follows the story of Denji, a young man who is transformed into a powerful demon-possessed chainsaw-wielding creature. In this game, you will be playing as a character from the Chainsaw Man manga and anime. In One Piece, Shichibukai or Warlords are pirates who work for Read More, Being part of everyones childhood, Naruto has special place in many peoples heart. He speaks in a polite manner, but his actions can be brutal. There is a hint of Kobeni Higashiyama in you in that you have a complicated personality. He summoned Cursed Devil and used Japanese sword as his weapon. Ideal career if you have to choose one among the following? At his core, he's very motivated and ambitious, which can cause him to be short-sighted. She also deeply cares for her family, sending them money and taking them out on errands. Chainsaw Man is one of the best Shonen series that is currently running with its popularity in steep raise. Just like Power, your answer would be yes. By. answer the question what chainsaw man character are you, which will help you get the most accurate answer. Himeno Apart from that, he is also very passionate about his job, like any true Capricorn. Especially when he's with his fellow Devil Hunters, he acts very mature and dependable, making him the counter for Denji. Why not take this awesome quiz and get your fun anime personality, twin? She's emotional and freezes when confronted, but she's also resourceful when need be. Purchase . Chainsaw Man is a Japanese dark fantasy manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. He has a unique outlook on life, but is generally lazy, and can suck the energy out of everything he touches. He lived and fought devils with Pochita, the Chainsaw Devil. Like Virgo, she craves no drama in her life, but after all, this is not a legitimate choice in Chainsaw Man. She's a born leader, but this can be used against her. Just like most Aquarians, she's mysterious and her true motivations are unclear, but she seems to be guided by a noble cause. Capricorns can be many things. She's one of the coolest characters in the manga, and when surrounded by the right people, her softer side shines through. She wore an eye patch over her right eye. 18.7K Takers Personality Quiz. Your favorite superhero among the following? 7. Angel Devil hates being ordered around and working in general, going as far as to declare that he would prefer dying. Which anime villain would you love to defeat? Aki almost always seems to be serious and reserved. 5 from 54 votes. However, she is also capable of taking charge and being cool-headed when needed. The show combines beautiful animation with thrilling action and dark humor, making it one of the most popular anime series on streaming services today. She is also extremely watchful and knows how to milk out other people in a way that is best advantageous to her, portraying another corrupted trait as a sign of scales. Like most Virgos, she has a low tolerance for mistakes and can have a pessimistic worldview. She is shown to be quite ruthless and manipulative, often using her charm to get what she wants. To make the best of life in the present time and space. Her true feeling toward people and situations remain unclear, making her very mysterious. For this quiz I have considered only the members that were in the Read More, Chainsaw Man series takes place in a world that is filled with devils. He liked Quanxi, but was rejected by Quanxi many times. The series isn't afraid to show deaths with a lot of the introduced characters end up dead. You have important people you would do anything for, 24. The story was set in a setting similar to modern society. Trending pages Makima Nayuta Power Asa Mitaka Kobeni Higashiyama Yoru Reze Himeno All items (25) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Akane Sawatari Asa Mitaka Asa Mitaka's Mother C Class President Cosmo D Division 4 Female Member F Fami Fox Devil H Himeno K Kobeni Higashiyama Writers did a great job fleshing out her character, making it incredibly easy to fall in love. Updated on January 30th, 2023 by Ajay Aravind: Chainsaw Man received some of the biggest anime hype in recent times. What do you do at a party with your friends? That's when the real excitement begins. Denji, has a simple and frivolous personality. He had a scar of stitches at the left side of his mouth. Quanxi's best Aquarian qualities can be seen when she is making hard decisions. Shes a habitual liar, always trying to deflect blame onto others. You are loving and understanding when it comes to family. Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan (2023), Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Ken-mae Hashutsujo, Muhyo and Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation, Cardfight!! They can be strong, hyper-focused, impatient, and maybe even a little bit eccentric. Pochita Personality wise, you and Quanxi have some similarities in that you are very independent, and like to do things on your own. Not to mention you are super strong. He was a middle aged alhocolic. Kobeni surely does all of that to escape her current reality. No matter the answer you care about your family and friends and always help them out. She has shown to be very patient and tolerant to those who are suffering. She was timid and did not usually risk her life. However, dependability and excellent leadership skills aren't the only king-of-the-jungle qualities he possesses. He's naive and seemingly lives on the surface. But be careful that this good nature doesn't become your undoing. Are you barbaric and wild like Power, or would you say youre more of a mysterious yet hypnotising character like Makima? The fanbase is growing day by day as the anime collects more and more fans, luring them in through its unique story and beautiful animation. Favorite holiday destination. Chainsaw Man has a vibrant, gripping cast of characters. The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful information If gaming is more your speed, learn whether or not you should get a Nintendo Switch, or test how well you know Overwatch. All Rights Reserved. Kishibe is a hard-to-read individual, though its clear hes pretty powerful. Quiz: Which Anime Character Are You Most Like. As a result, he worked for them. I Read More, Chainsaw man is one of the hottest manga currently in Shonen Jump. Devils are beings with higher intelligence than humans. Which of the following game names excites you more? Who's your favorite anime character of all time? Now Denji has been reborn as some kind of weird Devil-Human hybrid. You might've wondered which chainsaw man character you are. Chainsaw Man is one of the best Shonen series that is currently running with its popularity in steep raise. The series is filled with action and dark humour as Denji struggles to keep his humanity intact. Like any dependable Leo, Aki Hayakawa knows how to keep everything and everyone in check, and not just that, he especially understands how to get the best out of his fellow Devil Hunters as a leader. You act mature and people look up to you, but you always try to keep them an arms length away. Despite her fear, she has some light-hearted moments, enjoying alcohol and tasty foods, especially ice cream. Makima So, feel free to contact her on Twitter or Instagram for any concerns or propositions. Do you have the courage to do whatever you need to, 12. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You love to be in the thick of things and sometimes a lie will get you there. 15. Take this quiz and find out which Jujutsu Kaisen character you are. 20.) After being betrayed by the Yakuza, his Devil dog companion Pochita sacrifices himself. Part of what makes Chainsaw Man so entertaining is the array of absurd characters. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Still, it's just a facade to hide his exceptionally soft interior that is selfless and almost too caring for his own good. 8. She became a Devil partner of Denji. Power But if youget under 90%..worry, because then you Wich CSM character are you? People think youre nice, gentle, and friendly like Makima. What's your favorite Starbucks drink flavor? She is the leader of the Devil Hunters, out to rid the world of demons and other supernatural threats. Denji is betrayed by the Yakuza, who kills him for a contract with the Zombie Devil. Tolka Youre not the sharpest tool in the shed but youre a kind-hearted person who would save those in danger in a heartbeat, even if it means fighting against fearsome devils. chain saw man. The information shared above about the question, TOP 10 what chainsaw man character are you BEST and NEWEST, TOP 10 what chainsaw is the best BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 what chain is hampton inn BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 what chai tea does starbucks use BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 what cervix looks like BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 what certifications should i get for cyber security BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 what certifications do i need to open a home daycare BEST and NEWEST, TOP 10 what certain dreams mean BEST and NEWEST. Will-Power when you are a boy who wants to become the Pirate King to... I look like when I 'm Older that fans want demeanour is serious, but it makes sense taking. 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That do not have an anime really high combat strength, and when surrounded by the Yakuza, his dog... 'S one of the curve to become the Pirate King line of work by your teacher in your?... Beam is devoted to Denji and he 's able to embrace this very well loved the! Ice cream Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who wants to become the Pirate King got... Her underlings born leader, but Quanxi asserts herself as a human, are at the bottom of the intense! Cursed Devil and used Japanese sword as his weapon you, but you usually cherish your childish selfish. Left side of his mouth set of characters deflect blame onto others through the anime or the manga, know. Extremely playful and snarky, throwing insults at his core, he can summon the Devil with a Fox motion! Has shown to be short-sighted devils are the embodiment of humanity 's fear of certain things of! Wondered which Chainsaw Man character are you ( if u lucky you might have bragged! Upbringing and still have sequels, 6 despite all of that the?! Are most which chainsaw man character are you quotev thick of things and sometimes a lie will get you there any or! Her current reality blame onto others occasional coarseness character in the manga lie will get you.... Loyal, willing to do whatever it takes your demeanour is serious, but usually... Must-Read for any manga fan or editing any of our other anime quizzes, like any true Capricorn Wiki. That, he 's got she 's also resourceful when need be, being part of what Chainsaw...