Thats exactly what has happened with basketball in Spanish, an explosion of interest for the game and of young people playing it. It can help people understand a new and maybe confusing culture. The word Spanish refers to both a language and a nationality. b. jugar al baloncesto. The global expansion of basketball can now be traced like a diaspora throughout the world. Lucha de Toro (Bull Fighting): Being a national game of Spain, this game retrieves the cultural heritage of Spanish countries. Your suplied Email address ( does not seem to be correct, FWBWC Qualifying Tournament Washington DC, FIBA Women's AfroBasket 2023 - Qualifiers, FIBA AmeriCup 2025 Central American Pre-Qualifiers, Central American (COCABA) Womens Championship, European Championship For Small Countries, Women's European Championship For Small Countries, Commissions, Working Groups and Task Forces, Deaf International Basketball Federation (DIBF), Diccon Lloyd-Smeath's Champions League Insider, Igor Curkovic's Champions League Help-Side, Paul Nilsen's Women's Basketball Worldwide. The articles and information on this website should not be reproduced, distributed, or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Sportsver. One version contains the flags of each Spanish-speaking country as the clue to complete the crossword and the other version has their capital . An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The NBA has been working really hard to increase basketballs popularity in the region, scheduling pre-season and regular-season games in countries like Mxico, Puerto Rico, and Brazil. It popularized sports in the country and made people happier because there were more green spaces and parks and beaches were better maintained. But they were definitely getting practical experience cooperating with other people, and I think this translates into better basketball. Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Contact Us 2022 HSA. S3 Spanish Countries and Nationalities Match up. However, the influence of Latin Americans on the NBA originated in the Caribbean and Central America. Was I shocked out of my jammies when they cut the U.S. lead to as little as four with just over two minutes to play? They were trusting their coach and applying his advice. At the tender age of 39, Ortiz was the leader of that historic Puerto Rican National team who stunned the United States by beating them 92-73 in their first game of the Athens Olympics. Sports in Spanish | Learn Spanish Vocabulary, To see a full list of Sports Spanish Vocabulary. Basketball Courts. A person who speaks Spanish is Hispanic. This year there are two sets of brothers and 4 players making their debut. Their dossiers are then passed on to their various coaches so information can be added and their development can continue uninterrupted. In recent years, the nation has had better success in international competitions, marking, for some, a new era for French basketball. When it comes to international competitions, the nation has attained a couple of medals in the Summer Olympics. 11. The national team has seen some success on the international stage, coming second in the FIBA World Cup on different occasions. Throughout Latin America, a place of wildly diverse climate and geography layouts, the basketball landscape is as varied as the environmental topography. Carter has reportedly left the combine after allegations of his role in a fatal car accident. FIFA ranking of women's national soccer teams in Latin America and the Caribbean as of December 2022. Like in a family, there exists a hierarchy among siblings of different ages and levels of physical or emotional development. A playoff determines the champion of U.S. soccer. Other top teams include Valencia (winners of the Spanish League and Champions' League in 2004), Deportivo La Corua and Real Sociedad. Most fans are familiar with Pau Gasol, one of the best European players ever, running mate of the late-great Kobe Bryant, and the greatest Spanish basketball player ever.Some os these super sportsmen are amongst the most famous people from Spain.. Greece The turning point for basketball in Greece was when, in 1987, the men's national team won, for the first time, the EuroBasket Championship. Best for affordable volunteering: IVHQ in Peru. That led to people leading more active lifestyles and being happier overall. Rafael Nadal, a Spanish professional tennis player currently ranked world No. Catalina Sandino Moreno was born on April 19, 1981 in Bogot, Colombia. The physical fundamentals are vital (duh) but so are the social ones. Lucha de Toro (Bull Fighting): Being a national game of Spain, this game retrieves the cultural heritage of Spanish countries. Call 1-800-GAMBLER. After his playing career was over, Lee returned to his native country and became one of the most respected head coaches in the National Superior Basketball League, a summer league that has employed coaching legends such as Red Holtzman, Tex Winter, K.C. There has to be a reason for it. I can't say what started this method of Spanish basketball, or why other countries haven't been able to replicate it with the same level of effectiveness. English is just behind Spanish, with approximately 360 million native speakers. This is just one example of how basketball in Latin America has adapted to cultural differences. She has been married to David Elwell since April 15, 2006. When it comes to their national league, the KK Partizan and KK Crvena Zvezda, both from Belgrade, are two of the most successful basketball clubs in the country. Another 9 million live in Spanish-speaking households, presumably heritage speakers with limited Spanish-language proficiency. Basketball isnt as popular in Croatia as it is in other countries. Here are some individual sports played in Spanish speaking countries: The list of sports in Spanish speaking countries can go on and on. Spains own golden generation produced big-name players like Shaquille ONeals sidekick, Paul Gasol, for years, and several trophies including World Championship and Olympic silver medals. Since its origins in late-18th-century Massachusetts, basketball has become an international sport. Highlighting the strong relationship between Spain and the U.S. Highlighting the successes of U.S. - Spain relations. Basketball also has to compete with baseball in Central American countries like El Salvador, Nicaragua and Cuba, as well as volleyball in South America, most notably in Brazil and Argentina, where the volleyball is at its best. There are 21 Spanish speaking countries in the world. The language An adopted pattern to express identity and entity of cultural sense, behavior, aptitude, and style to express your thoughts. Basketball is, by far, the most popular sport in Lithuania. Atlas Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. He has written for Fodors, Yahoo!, Sports Illustrated, Telemundo, and Villa Experience, among other brands of print and digital media in Europe and North America. Now don't get me wrong, they weren't singing Kumbaya or doing a team-building ropes course or anything like that. The Philippine Basketball Association, the PBA, was founded in 1975, which makes it the first professional basketball league in Asia, as well as one of the oldest in the world. For all these reasons, lets learn about basketball in Spanish! Leading Latin American and Caribbean women's national football teams 2022. However, the most recent flood of talent into the NBA is migrating from Latin America, where there are a signficant number of young prospects with legitimate NBA potential. Are you kidding me? I set out to discover how the game changes when translated into other cultures and languages, and how these international translations are in turn changing the game we see at home. The smallest country is Equatorial Guinea with a population of around 750,000. To really put this global phenomenon in perspective, we must not forget that it took 49 years after its invention in Dr. Naismith's gym class for the game of basketball to become a U.S. profession in 1937. Many Chinese thoroughly enjoy the sport. On each . The vocabulary below represents some of the most common terms used by Spanish speakers, but it shouldn't be considered complete. The GBL, the Greek Basketball League, is among the top domestic league in Europe. Sports are a massive part of culture. It's a fun whole-class review game with a full game PPT and the student playing cards! Edgar tells us that, in Spanish-speaking countries, people can use two terms for 'fabric': el gnero (ehl HEH-neh-roh), which literally means 'the gender' but is also another word for fabric. What are their histories, and more importantly, what will their future contributions be? Norteamrica ( North America ), Centroamrica ( Central America ), and el Caribe ( Caribbean) Sudamrica ( South America) Europa ( Europe) and frica ( Africa) Mxico Mexico has the largest population of Spanish speakers in the world. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. The smallest country is Equatorial Guinea with around 740,000 (2013). As I had already learned, the basketball in Spain is just really, really good. This truly showed that Australians are still interested in the sport, despite a sudden decline a few years back. However, in recent years, more and more Croatian players are joining the NBA. Spanish-speaking Countries Crossword Two versions of a crossword. The crime rate in Venezuela ranks among the worst among the region's Spanish speaking countries such as Mexico, Brazil, and Guyana, among others. Yet it could be argued that the current South American influence began in 2002, the year Manu Ginobili joined the San Antonio Spurs, and the same year in which Nen (and 6'9" famous Argentinean power forward Luis Scola) was drafted. Gambling problem? Basketball for the nation is like soccer for many other countries. Basketball "We believed in ourselves" - Puerto Rico has the World Cup qualification in its hands after beating Brazil (The following article first appeared in, one of Puerto Rico's Spanish daily newspaper. The two most successful teams are the Olimpia Milano and the Virtus Bologna. With LeBron James out with an injury, the Lakers need Anthony Davis to play at his peak if they want to save their season. That honor goes to Espaa. , here you have some of the most important terms of basketball in Spanish: Now that you know some basketball terms in Spanish, perhaps you want to try them in a real conversation! When I played in the ACB, my team was like that, and no one complained about it. Latino Basketball
He was drafted in 1978 by the Atlanta Hawks, and scored close to 10 points per game his rookie year. No portion of may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form.By accessing pages, you agree to abide by terms and conditions. My classmates and I are going to play basketball on the courts after school.Mis compaeros de clase y yo vamos a jugar baloncesto en la cancha despus de la escuela. If you're looking at Spain's success on the basketball court, you have to start with their player development. In Greece, it's the same way: Dimitris Diamintidis, Theo Papaloukas and Sofoklis "Big Sofo" Schortsanitis are all beasts overseas, and the Greek leagues and national team are also very highly regarded. Its considered to be one of the four major sports in the U.S., next to baseball, American football, and hockey. Although not among the top sports in the country, basketball is, indeed, followed and played by many French people. Some are Oriental and some are racially black. The Lega Basket Serie A, which was founded in 1920, is the top basketball league in the country and is considered among the strongest leagues in Europe. Like an individual who is a nought without the help of other person, the world of sports is nothing without Hispanics taking part in it. Like Ron Burgundy said: "It's science." This year there are two sets of brothers and 4 players making their debut. The United States is actually the country where basketball originated. The 7'0" player is averaging 19.6 points, 11.1 rebounds and 2 . That sounds like a pretty good deal to me. Spanish Speaking countries play baseball, basketball, soccer or ftbol, tennis, handball, rugby, polo, water sports, golf, cricket, and they do cycling, surfing, rowing, swimming, jai alai, racing, skiing, gymnastics, and pretty much any sport or activity you can think of, plus a few more. The list of Latin American players who reached the NBA include Puerto Rican Ramon Rivas, who played as a backup forward to Kevin McHale and Larry Bird in 1988, as well as center Horacio Llamas, who in 1996 became the first Mexican in the NBA. Ricky Rubio, then 17 years old, was impressive, and Rudy Fernandez had a dunk on Dwight Howard that I can only describe as "muy bueno." He played only a few more seasons due to a career ending injury, but before retiring, he collected a championship ring with Magic Johnson and the "showtime" Lakers. Your email address will not be published. Jose Juan Barea Jose Juan Barea is an active player for the Dallas Mavericks. Without even knowing it, they were learning how to take direction. When you think of the basketball or the NBA, you may not think there are many Latino players. Even the name of the game isn't uniform throughout the Spanish-speaking world. I had just finished my first season playing in Spain (and my second professional season overall), so watching my native country, the United States, and my adopted home, Spain, get it on for the gold was something that gave me an embarrassing amount of joy. Spanish speaking countries stand out itself majorly in the field of sports. Bisbol (Baseball): It is another favorite sport played in Spanish speaking countries, especially in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Venezuela. The mens national team (a.k.a. This resource features the 20 countries that have Spanish spoken as the official language. intransitive verb phrase. : +41 22 545 00 99Mail: Consider Spain and the rest of the Spanish speaking countries a major sports powerhouse with their ability to adapt well in sports development. He is famous for being an NBA player. Bolivia. Instead, basketball started to become part of the French pop culture, it began to be incorporated in sneakers and music, thus rising in popularity. The newest generation of Latino players has made the greatest impact on our game, most significantly in these 2004 Olympics, when Puerto Rico and Argentina both beat a United States team lead by Tim Duncan and Allen Iverson. So along with junior NBA programs in Latin America, the League just opened an academy in Mexico City last year to help the best prospects . I traveled for 6 months through Central and South America to get a closer look at the international development of the game from an anthropological perspective. It continues to be dominated by the United States, however, so it shouldn't be surprising that much of the Spanish-language vocabulary of the game comes from English. Spanish Speaking Countries in the Americas and the Caribbean: Argentina Giannis trash talked the NBAs biggest stars on The Daily Show, and it was adorable. The most popular sports in Spain Football (soccer), basketball, cycling, tennis, handball, rhythmic gymnastics and motor sports are some of the most popular sports in Spain, with athletes from each discipline representing the country on a national level. Although, as mentioned before, basketball was invented in the United States, the creator of the sport, James Naismith, was actually Canadian. S2 Spanish - Countries - Los Pases Match up. Now that you know some basketball terms in Spanish, perhaps you want to try them in a real conversation! If you're a basketball fan, you probably remember the gold medal game at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. There are 79 Spanish speaking countries around the world, and sports have always played an important part of their culture and lifestyle. Basketball in Spanish-speaking countries is very popular, with a huge fan base and some of the best players in the world. * 21+ (19+ CA-ONT) (18+ NH/WY). Swimming: 21 Benefits & Advantages (Physical, Mental, Weight), 10 Useful Life Hacks for Tennis Players (On / Off the Court). Those countries are: Argentina Bolivia Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Guatemala Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama Anthony Davis unwinnable fight to save the Lakers season. in the last decade. Luis F. Domnguez is a freelance writer and independent journalist interested in travel, languages, art, books, history, philosophy, politics and sports. The sport receives a lot of support from the public, as well as private sectors. They wear their true colors on their sleeves as they leave their cultural footprints on our NBA courts. When you think about sports in Spain, you might not think about basketball. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Spain NBA Players Country: International Format Players from Spain Currently In The NBA Sort: Player (A-Z) Col umns: Swipe * Stats from the 2022-2023 season. The Spanish vocabulary for the sport developed somewhat independently in various regions, so terms can vary not only between Spain and Latin America, but also between neighboring countries. The cultural popularity of the sport is growing exponentially and is well documented in China, Africa and throughout Europe. In this way, the culture is very similar to that in the United States. Spanish football is dominated by arch rivals Real Madrid and Barcelona, with few other teams getting a look in. America is beginning to respect and learn about basketball in other countries, and this changing landscape is creating a melting pot of basketball knowledge and talent in the NBA. If you want to say your favorite sports phrase in Spanish, try saying "Mi deporte favorito es deporte" or "El deporte que ms me gusta es el/la deporte.". Thats exactly what has happened with basketball in Spanish, an explosion of interest for the game and of young people playing it. Outside of the United States, no one produces better players than Spain. 1. (accessed March 2, 2023). Famous Spanish Sportspersons This ranking is based on an algorithm that combines various factors, including the votes of our users and search trends on the internet. The first ever Latino player in the NBA was Alfred "Butch" Lee from Puerto Rico. Predictably, like a lot of basketball fanatics in the States, I stayed up late on the East Coast to catch the 2:30 a.m. tip-off. In fact, even in Spanish-speaking countries, English terms may be understood more readily than their Spanish equivalents. English-Spanish Basketball Glossary. Lord knows I do. I can't talk about what other countries do wrong, only about what Spain does right, and one thing seems clear to me: they're doing something right, and I'm not just talking about the paella, which, it must be noted, is phenomenal. Barclaycard Center, Real Madrids Stadium. Spain has great players like Felipe Reyes, Alex Mumbr and Victor Sada, just to name a couple, who have never logged a minute in the NBA. More than 32 million people speak Venezuelan Spanish, although wide-reaching words have been adopted from indigenous languages. A staple of Spanish culture dating back to antiquity, bullfighting is considered the national spectacle, a rich pageant more akin to a beautifully choreographed ballet than a sporting event. Basketball culture in Latin America helps to , and keep young people away from drugs and gangs. Unlike some other countries overseas like Germany, Israel or Italy, Spain only allows two Americans per team. Jose Juan Barea is from Peurto Rico. Volleyball is a sport that is popular in many Spanish-speaking countries. (soccer) see themselves as outsiders and find refuge in basketball. When it comes to football, the first name that comes to our mind is Lionel Messi who plays for the Spanish club FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team. 1. He was born in America but had Spanish parents who grew up in Latin America. The following Autonomous Communities have played at least one friendly game: Also, Menorca has got a basketball team which plays biennially in the Island Games. Spain's domestic ball is stellar, but so isits national team. They were listening. When you think about basketball, youll most likely think about the NBA, the official American basketball league. In 2021 there will be five Spaniards the American NBA (National Basketball Association): forwards Ibaka and Juancho Hernangmez, guard Ricky Rubio, center/forward Willy Hernangmez . 5; Manu Ginbili, an Argentine-Italian professional basketball player; Lorena Ochoa Reyes, a Mexican professional golfer; Juan Manuel Mrquez Mndez, a Mexican professional boxer; and Carmelo Anthony, an American professional basketball player are some of the famous Hispanic athletes. Therefore, it wont come as a surprise that this country is also where basketball is, arguably, the most popular. But what do the basketball cultures look like where these Latin American players come from? All rights reserved. Here are the 10 Spaniards playing in the NBAs 2016/2017 season. I'm not just speaking about guys from these countries that have played in the NBA, either. These sentences have been adapted from current online publications to show how Spanish basketball terminology is used in real life. The articles and information on this website should not be reproduced, distributed, or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Sportsver. If kids succeed in their local program and are on the radar of the national team, the Federation makes a binder about them. Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay,. Even the name of the game isn't uniform throughout the Spanish-speaking world. We have translated and edited for our readers). In Latin America, the love for the game has. To learn more or opt-out, read our Cookie Policy. The fiery personalities of Sacramento Kings shooting guard Francisco Garcia and fellow countryman (and former NBA player) Felipe Lopez of the Dominican Republic, as well as celebrated Puerto Rican, and Orlando Magic point guard Carlos Arroyo are what the people of their Caribbean countries are known for. The Chinese Basketball Association (CBA), the Chinese equivalent to the NBA, estimates that therere about half a billion Chinese that play basketball. These days, you can find a basketball court in most parks and schools in the region. Lithuania is not only known as one of the top basketball countries in Europe but also in the world. Learn More. China is an interesting nation when it comes to basketball. of Argentinian basketball players that won the gold medal at the Olympic Games of Athens 2004, also played a big role in Latin Americas current love for basketball. in Latin America, but the gap is closing and every year more fans and players keep adding to it. It took another thirty years and much work by the NBL, BAA, ABA, and NBA, to achieve the popularity success we see today. Eighteen professional teams play from September to June, participating in league and European games. Actress | Maria Full of Grace. For their part, the Spanish team had some pretty good ballplayers, too: Ricky, Rudy, Jose Calderon (who was out for the gold medal game), Juan Carlos Navarro, and, as they call them in Spain, los hermanos Gasol. However, after a few years, basketball slowly started to gain its prevalence back. The game turned out to be a classic, and it was worth every sleepless second. Vote for Your Favourite Hispanic Athletes 1 Sammy Sosa (Baseball player) 56 19 Listed In: Sportspersons Birthdate: November 12, 1968 Sun Sign: Scorpio Birthplace: San Pedro De Macoris, Dominican Republic Height: 6'0" (183 cm) 2 Jose Canseco (Cuban-American Former Major League Baseball (MLB) Outfielder and Designated Hitter) 18 9 That U.S. team, of course, was absolutely stacked: LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, Chris Paul, Dwight Howard and Carmelo Anthony, to name a few. This is true especially during fast breaks. And this success is only expected to keep growing, Granted, the basketball culture isnt at the same level of. There are more than 450 million native speakers of Spanish, making it second only to Chinese in terms of the most spoken languages in the world. Hispanic Hispanic players currently playing in the NBA Santi Aldama Memphis Grizzlies 22 2.11/ 6'11'' PF 22-23: 9.5pt 4.7rb 1.2as Chris Duarte Indiana Pacers 25 1.98/ 6'6'' SG 22-23: 7.9pt 2.4rb 1.4as Usman Garuba Houston Rockets 20 2.03/ 6'8'' C 22-23: 3.2pt 4.5rb 0.9as J. Hernangmez Toronto Raptors 27 2.06/ 6'9'' PF 22-23: 3.0pt 2.9rb 0.5as Their clubs ground board committees, auditorium, and exhibition have conquered the thematic sense of games in their spell along with sports. With more media coverage, as well as the signing of Brazilian players to the NBA, it is expected that the popularity of basketball will be boosted even further. When tracing the globalization of the sport, we must go back to 1983 when Commissioner David Stern began distributing televised games to Italy, the NBA's first international television contract. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. Boxeo (Boxing): Most famous sport in Mexico but this game is played worldwide, one of their great player of all time is Oscar De La Hoya. How are they different from each other? These days, you can find a basketball court in most parks and schools in the region. With 56,757,391 native and non-native Spanish speakers, the United States has more Spanish speakers than even Spain! Most of the Spanish-speaking athletes or NBA players are short, hence were never considered great basketball players. Dan Grunfeld, who spent three years playing professionally in Spain, explains why. The Hispanic population has a lot many athletes who are champions in their respective teams and received several medals and awards. There are basketball courts all over Malaga City Centre, it is free to play on most, here are the addresses of a few: Calle de Dulce Chacon. In Spain, young players don't just play basketball, they learn basketball. Although basketball is often overshadowed by other sports, like soccer, there is no question about its popularity. The language exposes communal and lingual standards to make a pattern of understanding each other norms and senses. As I mentioned before, it is the biggest thing in some people's lives. Sep 15, 2021. Spanish rule ended in 1898; until then, Spanish was the lingua franca of the country. In 1954, the mens national team made history when they finished 3rd in the FIBA World Cup. FIBA - International Basketball Federation Route Suisse 51295 Mies - SwitzerlandTel. It is also one of the top sports in the United States. S1 Spanish Countries or Nationalities Whack-a-mole. The countries in this list are: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama and Paraguay. Basketball is the second most popular sport in Spain, directly behind association football. This event showed all of Latin America - and the world - that the United States is beatable at their own game. The national team made history when they finished 3rd in the NBA, the is! Teams play from September to June, participating in league and European games this translates into basketball... You 're a basketball fan, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking.! Ca-Ont ) ( 18+ NH/WY ) 51295 Mies - SwitzerlandTel in fact, even in Spanish-speaking countries very! Lucha de Toro ( Bull Fighting ): Being a national game of Spain, you can find a fan! Understanding each other norms and senses in 1954, the basketball cultures look like these... 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